Easton Fourth Grader Invents Friendly Fishing Lure – Easton Courier

Ava Faustini knew what she wanted to create when she and her fourth-grade classmates at Samuel Staples Elementary School were asked to invent something that solves a real-world problem.

Ava Faustini with her invention the Lure Protector 5000. Photo by Rick Falco

“I like to fish, and I noticed that lures are really sharp,” said Ava. “So, I made them to protect people, wild animals and little kids for them to be safe since a lot of people leave their lures hanging.” 

The Lure Protector 5000 was born. A patent is in the works.

School Principal Kimberly Fox Santora looks forward to seeing her students’ creativity with the invention assignment.

“We put together a panel of judges made up of Easton residents, science teachers from the middle school and high school, and more,” said Santora. “At the end of the day, they told us who the 10 winners were.”  

On Feb. 15, Ava and nine other Staples’ students were chosen to advance to the semi-finals at the Connecticut Invention Convention, dubbed a “Shark Tank meets Science Fair” for K-12 innovators, where she submitted a video explaining and demonstrating the Lure Protector 5000.  A couple months later, she was notified that she advanced to the state finals. 

Ava Faustini with her awards for the Lure Protector 5000. Photo by Rick Falco

The state finals were held at the University of Connecticut’s Gampel Pavilion where Ava participated on June 8 and presented her invention to the judges.  She came home with the Connecticut National Estuarine Research Reserve Aquatic Innovator Award, Locke Lord Excellence in STEM Award for a design patent and an invitation to the United States Innovator Challenge.  

Ava then entered the National United States Innovator Challenge that was held virtually where she received the IP Advantage and Top Runner Up.   

Ava pa’srents, Tina Corsi and Ben Faustini, emphasized how dedicated and humble she has been after being so successful.  

“Before the award ceremony for states, I wrote Ava this beautiful card that said she is always a winner and that most people never even invent anything in their life,” said Corsi. “When I heard her name called, I was crying. It was a ride that you could never believe.” 

Ava is currently in the process of meeting with attorneys at the Locke Lord Law Firm to submit a design patent application for her inventions.

She hopes you get hooked on the Lure Protector 5000.

Featured photo by Rick Falco

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