Barlow Student to Address Climate Change at Library Event – Easton Courier

Priti Kiefer, a junior at Joel Barlow High School and a member of the school’s Eco Club, hopes to raise awareness about how climate change affects Easton during a talk at the Easton Public Library on Monday, July 29 at 7 p.m. 

How Climate Change Affects Easton. Image courtesy of the Easton Public Library

“ I think it’s an important thing to do right now because climate change is only getting worse and worse,” said Kiefer. “Temperatures are at an all-time high, weather patterns are shifting, sea levels are rising, and it’s horrible all around. It’s important to make people in Easton aware of how bad the current state of climate change is right now and how it can potentially affect Easton.” 

Kiefer hopes to change the community’s perception of climate change, emphasizing that even a quiet town like Easton is not immune to its effects.  

“I hope people leave with a changed perception of climate change because I think it’s easy to feel safe from it in Easton,” said Kiefer. “I plan on going into detail about how we, specifically as Easton residents, will be impacted by climate change as well as how we contribute to climate change.”   

She is gathering reports on Easton’s carbon efficiency and plans to discuss these findings at the event. 

“I will also provide strategies on how we as individuals can reduce our carbon emissions,” said Kiefer. 

Additionally, Kiefer has reached out to local farms to bring in voices from the agricultural industry, focusing on how climate change impacts their work. She hopes to have a representative from the farming community speak at the event to provide firsthand insights. 

“I really want to hammer in on how climate change truly is affecting everyone, and we as Easton residents aren’t safe from it,” said Kiefer.  

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