A Message From First Selectman Bindelglass – Easton Courier

Good afternoon, Happy Labor Day weekend, and welcome back to all of our students.

 I wanted to repeat this from last week. In 2023, we received the final report on a consultant review of our emergency services. The most important finding was our need to upgrade communications for our fire department. Our current equipment is severely outdated to the point of being unrepairable and our coverage in town is inadequate. (Knowing our cell phone issues, no one should be surprised about the coverage issue.) As one potential vendor pointed out recently, we have been trying to solve this problem as a town since 2006! After more than a year of study and planning, we have selected a vendor and are proceeding to contract negotiations. We have discovered the need to include the police department as well. The total cost to get new equipment for our first responders and to upgrade transmission for better coverage is $3 million. That project is essentially “shovel ready.”

At the same time, we should have a finished design for the EMS renovations and a cost estimate shortly before going out to bid for the construction. As I have discussed in the past, funding for the EMS project will come from multiple sources which decreases the town’s direct contribution, particularly the $2 million of ARPA money.  Those funds need to be committed by Dec. 31. We have always discussed a plan B if we became worried that we would not be ready to sign a construction agreement on the renovation by the ARPA deadline. Now we know we have a back-up, in that, if the timing gets too close, the ARPA money could be used for the radios and the EMS renovation will be funded, in part, through town funds. I envision a combined public safety improvement package, through which we will all be safer, and better served, as will our first responders.  I hope you can see the complexity of all that we are doing, but I will do my best to simplify this as our plans evolve. Our goal is the best program with the least direct cost to the town.

As I said last week, folks in town who have ongoing businesses are looking to restart a Chamber of Commerce. I will be hosting a meeting next month to help them jump start the organization.

Our Boy Scouts have been doing some work around signage around our fields. We thank them for their efforts.

On Wednesday, Sept. 25, the Senior Center will be hosting a Tea Party from 11a.m. until noon.  Please call the Senior Center to sign up and bring a friend.

 West Nile Virus has now been found in mosquitoes trapped in Westport and Easton.
The Health District recommends residents take the following precautions:

  • Eliminate any object outside that can hold water and become a breeding place for mosquitoes.
  • Clean house gutters that may be retaining water.
  • Empty wading pools and bird baths every few days.
  • Chlorinate swimming pools regularly.
  • Make sure the covers that are on grills, boats, pools, and other equipment do not collect water.
  • Be sure door and window screens are tight fitting and in good repair to avoid mosquito bites when indoors.

Tips for avoiding mosquito bites when outdoors:
Mosquitoes require a blood meal for reproduction. The following are measures that can help reduce bites from mosquitoes that feed on people:

  • Be particularly careful at dusk and dawn when mosquitoes are most active.
  • Wear shoes, socks, long pants, and long-sleeved shirts. Clothing material should be tightly woven.
  • Use mosquito netting when sleeping outdoors.
  • Consider the use of CDC- recommended mosquito repellents, containing DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon eucalyptus, IR3535, or 2-undecanone, and apply according to directions when outdoors.
  • When using DEET, use the lowest concentration effective for the time spent outdoors (for example, 6 percent lasts approximately two hours and 20 percent for four hours) and wash treated skin when returning indoors. Do not apply under clothing, to wounds or irritated skin, the hands of children, or to infants less than two months old.

For more information on West Nile Virus, visit the Health District’s website at and/or the Connecticut Mosquito Management Program website. www.ct.gov/mosquito.

Have a great weekend!


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