A Message from First Selectman Bindelglass – Easton Courier

Update 5/31/2024 

The week began with an incredible stroke of luck on Memorial Day. As those who were there know, the parade was planned to kick off at 9:30.  After a half hour deluge, the clouds parted moments before and we were able to hold our Memorial Day parade. As always it was a wonderful event and thanks to all who participated.  Our local American Legion post put together a stirring ceremony.  We welcome Jo-Anne Wong who started as the new clerk in Planning and Zoning this week.

On May 28, we had a presentation by Chris Buck who performed the town’s environmental study on the land we are purchasing at 444 Sport Hill Road. You can see the presentation at  https://vimeo.com/showcase/easton-board-of-selectmen

Chris will be preparing a final report over the next 1-2 weeks, which will also include results from the current EMS property which the town already owns. I think you will see from his presentation that the conclusions are pretty clear. The purchase and sale agreement has been signed with the seller of 444 Sport Hill. That agreement was presented by the town’s attorney, to the Board of Finance, Building committee and the Board of Selectmen on April 2. It was subsequently accepted by the EMS Building Committee and the Board of Selectmen.  Closing on the purchase is subject to approvals from Zoning and Conservation. We do not anticipate any remediation, although there is still a clause that would allow the town to walk away, were there to be serious contamination discovered at the site. Again, I refer you to the presentation. The EMS foundation has committed $200,000, to the building fund to cover the purchase. At the Board of Finance meeting, the board will consider the building committee’s request to have money from the ARPA funds moved to the building fund to initiate the architect’s work. (See the building committee minutes from its May 14 meeting. https://www.eastonct.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif3071/f/minutes/emergency_medical_services_planning_and_building_committee_regular_meeting_minutes_05-14-2024.pdf)

The Planning and Zoning Commission met May 28. The main focus of the meeting was to finalize the discussion on Special Permit #SP-24-01: Section 3350.6 Major Home-Based Business, 450 Sport Hill Road. A public hearing on the matter was held on May 7. The following conditions were attached to the permit:

  1. The applicant shall cease business operations in the residential dwelling.
  2. Hours of operation shall be Monday-Friday 7:00 am-6:00 pm and Saturday 7:00 am-2:00 pm.
  3. The number of employees shall not exceed resident occupants plus four non-residents.
  4. The number of deliveries per week for the proposed use shall not exceed five and shall be during the hours of operation.
  5. No material or products shall be stored outside of the accessory building for the proposed use.
  6. Waste shall be kept within appropriate containers and properly removed from the property to prevent any hazardous or unsightly conditions.
  7. A sign, as depicted in the architectural plans, shall be permitted in addition to one other identification sign permitted as of right or with a Zoning Permit.
  8. Exterior security lighting for the proposed use shall be permitted on the accessory structure provided each is by motion detection and is a full cutoff fixture to minimize glare and light trespass.

A number of changes to the zoning regulations were agreed upon. Meeting minutes will be available shortly. The recording can be found at https://vimeo.com/showcase/easton-planning-and-zoning

The pride flag raising will be at 1 p.m. at town hall, on Saturday June 1. For more information on the day’s events please go to:  https://www.eastonctpride.org/.

Just a reminder that June is Dog Licensing Month for more information visit https://www.eastonct.gov/town-clerk/pages/dog-licenses

Planning and Zoning invites you to our third ‘WELCOME TO EASTON’ sign unveiling and reception on Saturday, June 8, 11:30pm – 1:00pm at the Easton Public Library – back patio.  Over 200 students from SSES, HKMS and JBHS submitted their artwork with the theme of ‘Easton Holidays and Horse Farms’ depicting characteristics of our town.  Students from each grade have been notified of their winning artwork. This new signage will be installed at the Stepney Road entrance to Easton.  Welcome to all and please join us to celebrate the talents of our Easton youth enjoy Shaggy Coos gelato. This project is sponsored by Easton Planning & Zoning, The Easton Arts Council and Samantha Olschan, digital designer.

Good luck to the Joel Barlow teams vying for state championships: Boys’ and Girls Lacrosse, Baseball and Boys’ Volleyball.

Have a great weekend,


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