What You Missed Last Week

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Here is a list of news that were published in our Newsletter the week of September 04:

Human Space Exploration:

  • 32 people flew to space in first 8 months of 2022
  • NASA targets late September for next Artemis I launch attempt
  • NASA picks spacesuit maker for 1st Artemis Moonwalkers
  • Timing of NASA’s Moon launch may depend on emergency detonation system
  • European space chief “cannot see” a return to cooperation with Russia
  • NASA to repair SLS liquid hydrogen leak on the pad
  • Russian cosmonaut pair perform follow-on EVA to outfit robotic arm
  • Second Artemis I launch attempt scrubbed


Space Science

  • Chinese scientists discover new lunar mineral
  • New class of exoplanet! Half-rock, half-water worlds could be abodes for life
  • Star formation in the center of the Milky Way started at the core and then worked its way out
  • Discovery of alien world with strange, tilted orbit puzzles astronomers
  • South Korean lunar orbiter succeeds in critical trajectory correction maneuver
  • Astronauts’ blood shows signs of DNA mutations due to spaceflight
  • Some sand on Mars is green, showing that it was once wet
  • NASA’s iconic Voyager 1 marks 45 years in space



  • It’s time for Congress to order the nuclear option


Other News

  • FCC to set five-year deadline for deorbiting LEO satellites
  • GAO: Defense, intelligence agencies need a better plan to buy commercial satellite imagery
  • KMI wins three Space Force study contracts for debris cleanup technology
  • Ariane 5 launches advanced broadband satellite for Eutelsat
  • Rocket Lab signs on to U.S. military’s ‘rocket cargo’ program
  • DoD updates space policy, formally adopts ‘tenets of responsible behavior’
  • NASA and Hollywood shoot for the stars with Mars rover documentary ‘Good Night Oppy’
  • China launches mysterious new spy satellite
  • SETI pioneer Frank Drake leaves a legacy of searching for voices in the void


Major Space Related Activities for the Week

  • The Beyond Earth Institute is to convene virtually on Thursday at 2 p.m. EDT for a webinar, “Artemis Base Camp: A Trailhead for Sustainable Lunar Development?”
  • NASA’s Exploration Science Forum convenes Tuesday for two days in Boulder, Colorado.
  • NASA’s Artemis I mission teams this week will be working through the technical and scheduling details for a third attempt to launch the Space Launch System (SLS) and Orion spacecraft from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center (KSC)
  • U.S. Senate is in session in Washington, while the U.S. House is meeting pro forma and virtually
  • On Wednesday, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) will host a virtual session from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. EDT, entitled “Nuclear’s Future Role in Space.”
  • On Friday, Vice President Kamala Harris will chair a meeting of the National Space Council at NASA’s Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston. Focus will be on future regulation of a growing commercial space industry


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