Enhance AI Reliability: LLM Observability & Trust API

Written by CSA Research Analysts Marina Bregkou and Josh Buker.

Based on the idea presented by Nico Popp in ‘A trust API to enable large language models observability & security (LLMs)’.


Large Language Models (LLMs) are becoming integral to numerous applications, from chatbots to complex data analysis tools, in our rapidly evolving world of Artificial Intelligence (AI). The increased adoption of LLMs brings forth significant challenges in terms of security, observability, and trust. This blog post explores how a proposed LLM Observability & Trust API can address these challenges, ensuring responsible AI usage.

Key Concerns & Needs in LLMs


  • Data Privacy & Leakage: Protecting Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Intellectual Property (IP) from leaks.
  • Threat Detection: Identifying and mitigating threats such as prompt injection attacks.
  • Content Filtering: Ensuring high-risk content is effectively filtered to prevent inappropriate or harmful outputs.


  • Performance & Cost Monitoring: Keeping track of the model’s performance metrics and associated costs.
  • Audit & Compliance: Ensuring adherence to regulations like PCI, HIPAA, and GDPR through detailed logging and audit trails.
  • Incident Response & Forensics: Providing the necessary tools for investigating and responding to security incidents.

The Need for Comprehensive Visibility

Visibility is foundational to both security and trust. Without a clear understanding of what is happening within an LLM, it is impossible to protect and optimize it effectively. Comprehensive visibility enables proactive threat detection, effective response strategies, and the establishment of a secure and trustworthy environment.

Key Areas of Visibility

  1. User, Device, and Location: Tracking who is interacting with the model, from where, and on what device.
  2. Prompt Visibility: Monitoring prompts and their contexts to understand and control the input to the model.
  3. Output Visibility: Observing the outputs generated by the model to ensure they meet expected standards and do not contain harmful content.
  4. Workload/Container Visibility: Keeping an eye on how the model’s workloads are managed in cloud or on-premises environments.

Multi-Modal Visibility

Multi-modal visibility is essential for understanding interactions across different types of data inputs and outputs, whether they are text, images, or other data forms. This holistic approach can build a complete observability framework.

Current Approaches and Their Limitations

Existing methods often involve inline controls such as proxies or firewalls (also Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems [IDPS] and API Gateways) that can lead to operational friction and deployment challenges. These approaches can struggle with real-time analytics and may not scale effectively as models grow in complexity.

A New Approach: The LLM Observability & Trust API

Proposed Solution

The LLM Observability & Trust API offers an out-of-band approach, leveraging asynchronous APIs to provide comprehensive visibility without disrupting the model’s performance. Key features include:

  • OnPrompt() and OnOutput() Hooks: Capturing prompts and outputs with optional contextual information.
  • Asynchronous Data Publishing: Ensuring minimal impact on model performance while providing detailed logs for analysis.
  • Integration with Existing Security Frameworks: Facilitating easier adoption and integration into current security operations.


  • Enhanced Security: Improved threat detection and data protection.
  • Better Performance Monitoring: Detailed insights into model performance and cost.
  • Compliance Support: Robust logging and auditing capabilities to meet regulatory requirements.
  • Facilitation of a Security Ecosystem: Encouraging the development of a broader security and trust ecosystem around LLMs.

Implementation Strategy

To successfully implement the LLM Observability & Trust API, collaboration between model providers, cloud infrastructure providers, and enterprise users is essential. Key steps include:

  1. Developing and Standardizing the API: Creating a consistent API that can be used across different platforms and models.
  2. Building Integration Tools: Providing tools and libraries to facilitate easy integration with existing systems.
  3. Community Collaboration: Encouraging contributions from the open-source community to enhance and expand the API’s capabilities.


The LLM Observability & Trust API represents a significant step forward in managing the complexities of modern AI systems. By providing comprehensive visibility and security features, this API can ensure that LLMs are used responsibly and effectively, paving the way for broader adoption and innovation.

CSA is furthering research and development on this topic with a follow-up white paper, which will expand on the ideas presented in this blog post, and explore potential solutions.

Learn more about CSA’s AI research.

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