Afghan Convert Faces Fears in the Middle East

A young woman from Afghanistan who came to faith as a refugee in a Middle Eastern country feared her husband would divorce or kill her if she took off her head covering.

Removal of her hijab would reveal that she had left Islam, and the leader of a native ministry prayed with the young mother of two children about her fears and shared Scripture with her.

“She came back to us wanting to be baptized, showing us that she was indeed growing in her faith,” the leader said, adding that he asked her what her husband might do if he heard she were baptized.

“I pray daily for my husband that he come to faith in Jesus,” she told him. “My only concern is that when he does believe in Jesus and asks that we get baptized together, he will be angry that I already have gotten baptized without telling him.”

Amazed at her faith, he asked if her husband would really become angry at not being baptized with her.

“She said, ‘No, he won’t be angry, because he will have read the New Testament and will react more gently,’” the leader said. “I was amazed at how much emphasis she gave to the power of God’s Word.”

As the weeks passed, the Lord gave her the strength to reveal her faith to her husband and share the gospel with him, he said.

“He was very angry at first and harsh arguments happened, but this dear lady continued praying for him, believing that he would wake up some day,” the leader said. “Then one day her husband said to her, ‘I’ve noticed a big change in your life, and I’m wondering why, so I want to go to church with you.’”

Her husband was glad to learn that the church was praying for him, and after a few weeks he attended a worship service, the leader said.

“Thanks be to God, he has faithfully attended our church services in answer to your prayers for him over the past months,” he told Christian Aid leaders. “It does seem like an awakening is happening, because we thought this situation would be impossible to end so peacefully.”

Such miracles are happening as native workers share the gospel throughout the region. Please consider a donation today to equip and encourage them.

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