A Cinderella Story – Christian Aid Mission

When Daniel* arrived in the Latin American city—which must remain unnamed for security purposes—the city seemed spiritually dead. But Daniel was intent on following God’s lead. As a missionary with a native ministry, he would serve as the Holy Spirit directed, visit with those who welcomed him, and pray for those who did not. His task would not be easy, or so he thought. But he was ready and eager to share the gospel through whatever windows the Lord opened.

He began his work as humbly as he lived his life: by meeting in a house and inviting others in. As the days passed, he faithfully led a small Bible study in his home, and soon, word of his presence spread. “God began to work,” the ministry leader said. “Something was happening.”

“God began to work. Something was happening.”

One evening, the Bible study that Daniel led lasted until 11 p.m. People did not want to leave. This became a regular occurrence and, eventually, people wanted to be baptized. Then, the new believers began to hold prayer vigils, and, from across the city, people came. They shuffled from their work and their homes, carrying their addictions and sorrows with them to this place that was filled with the Holy Spirit. “Alcoholics in the city heard about a place where people were rehabilitated and healed and they began to arrive,” the ministry leader said.

So many people packed into the small home each week for Bible study that Daniel opened two new preaching locations. Every week, he baptized people, and each month, more people volunteered to open their own homes to new Bible studies. “There is a revival in this city,” Daniel said. “There is an anointing on the services. There are times when I go to bed at one in the morning and then get up and have the house full of people hungry for the message of salvation.”

“There is revival in the city.”

Through Daniel’s missional heart, God had turned the city upside down. This small, simple fellowship had suddenly become a literal representation of Matthew chapter five:

“You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.” (Matthew 5:14-15)

Now, the ministry reports that it is common to see new believers sharing the gospel on street corners across the city. “God walks through the streets,” the ministry leader said. “He brought new life to a city that seemed dead.”

Missionaries like Daniel go where they are called, and they trust God will provide for their needs. This means that, often, they survive on food given to them by others. Sometimes they preach in bare feet. One missionary once rented a pair of pants before he preached at an evangelism event. “Most live without necessities others take for granted, such as shoes, soap, and good clothing,” a ministry leader said. “Even as they work to reach the country’s poorest, missionaries struggle to provide for themselves and their families.”

These humble workers serve the Lord with gladness, even when their clothes are torn or their stomachs aren’t completely full. They trust in God’s provision as they bring others into His kingdom. And as they persevere in their work, communities and towns and villages across the world are being constantly transformed in Christ’s name, just as the town in which Daniel serves was changed.

Pray that God will begin preparing hearts and minds to believe in His salvation even before His missionaries arrive to share the gospel. Please consider a donation today to support these Christian workers as they humbly serve the Lord and trust in His unfailing love.

*Name changed for security reasons

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