It’s Good to be Back in Toronto

After a hone hour delay at Logan Airport due to severe thunderstorms in Toronto (it was beautiful by the time we arrived) the flight went off without a hitch. Scot and I shared the plane with Clinton, then met up with Bruce (who had also been delayed flying out of LaGuardia) for a cab ride to the Jarvis House. Not as elegant as last year’s (problematic) B&B, the rooms are quite nice and more spacious than I had expected. Met up with Ivy, Ned, Tom and Jen upon arrival and we all trekked out to the Box Office, the first official Toronto Internationl Film Festival task, and one fraught with anxiety. As expected, many of the films we wanted to get tickets for were marked “Rush Only.” After brief seconds of disappointment, we reminded ourselves that “day of” tickets are the way we are always successful.

Scot, Bruce and I got into a dishearteningly long line after marking our choices, and proceeded to finalize our list while waiting. Between the three of us, plus requests from Chris, Beth and Mary, all of whom are arriving on Friday, we came up with a pretty extensive list, even with many films disqualified due to their “Rush” status. We did a pretty good job, nabbing 44 tickets on Day One. That’s actually pretty amazing. And let me tell you, waiting in line at mid-day on Day One is no picnic. Give me a 6:15 a.m. line anyday.

Afterwards, the three of us made a beeline to Sassafraz for some much needed food and beverage. Scot sighed at the thought of his beloved lychee martini, and I was thrilled with my “Bad-ass” Mojito. After a relaxing dinner, we walked back to the B&B for a brief regroup, and now it’s time to head out to our first film. Scot and I will be catching a French film entitled, DOUCHES FROIDES. I suspect I shall be pretty tired afterwards, and plan to return to the B&B in preparation for the first ealry morning ticket run.

On a side note, there is no wireless access here at the Jarvis House, so my posts might not be as frequent as I’d hoped. I will do my best! Stay tuned…

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