Chlotrudis launches its updated website!

If you’re reading this, then you already know that the Chlotrudis Society for Independent Film has taken a great leap into the 21st century with a new website that hauls us out of the 90’s! We’re hoping that you find this page much more user-friendly and intuitive. Not to mention appealing and useful. We plan on adding new features and keeping this site up-to-date, so we want to hear from you!

Tell us what you think! Do you like the new website? is it easier to navigate? Are there features you’d like to see added to the site? We have some big plans in the works, and you can find out about them here. So please visit us often, and of course, consider becoming a member. If you love independent film and like to talk about it with others, this is the place for you.

Send your comments and suggestions to us at [email protected].

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