‘AND BREATHE NORMALLY’ director to be Chlotrudis Awards Special Guest at March 21st Awards Online Ceremony

Isold UggadottirThe Chlotrudis Society for Independent Film is pleased to announce that the director of the acclaimed Icelandic film ‘AND BREATHE NORMALLY’, Isold Uggadottir, will be in attendance as a Special Guest at the film group’s virtual ceremony on Sunday March 21st.

AND BREATHE NORMALLY was showered with praise and acclaim, including the Trudy, given to Uggadottir for Best Director at last year’s Chlotrudis awards ceremony.  The film follows two women, an Icelandic single mom struggling with poverty and a Guinea-Bissauan asylum seeker facing deportation, whose lives intertwine in unexpected ways.

Critics were effusive in their reviews, comparing her directorial style with that of the Dardennes brothers and Ken Loach, and extolling her ability to elicit profoundly naturalistic and sympathetic performances from her cast.

Ms. Uggadottir will appear in conversation with another past Chlotrudis special guest and award winner, Canadian director and author Wiebke von Carolsfeld. Her films MARION BRIDGE and THE SAVER won her Trudies for BURIED TREASURE and ADAPTED SCREENPLAY, respectively.

We look forward to an engaging discussion between two talented female filmmakers, sure to be a highlight to the night’s festivities.  In addition to announcing winning films across 15 categories, the ceremony will include clips from all Buried Treasure nominees, and as always, a Chlotrudis-style musical salute to film.

The Chlotrudis Society for Independent Film is committed to supporting to independent and foreign film in style, holding its CHLOTRUDIS AWARDS ceremony in early spring.  Its 27th celebration & ceremony will be presented on Zoom, 5pm on Sunday March 17th. The  public is invited to join Chlotrudis members, nominees and special guests in the fun.  Just sign up for a free registration at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/27th-annual-chlotrudis-awards-tickets-144877607825, to join the ceremony on Zoom.

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