MEDIA RELEASE: National Academy of Public Administration launches “Election 2024: What does Good Government look like?”

MEDIA RELEASE: National Academy of Public Administration launches “Election 2024: What does Good Government look like?”

Post Date: September 09, 2024

Washington, D.C. – The National Academy of Public Administration today announced “Election 2024: What does Good Government Look Like?” This collection of videos, podcasts, studies, papers, and personal stories is designed to showcase government at its best.

In an increasingly polarized environment of collapsing public trust, Academy Fellows and staff acknowledge that it’s more important than ever to help people across America recognize efficient, accountable government – and take steps to build it!

“Good government is personal to the nearly 1,000 civil servants, academics and policymakers who are Academy Fellows,” said Academy President & CEO Terry Gerton. “For the 2024 election, we want to help voters connect to the real people who make government at every level work, and tell impactful stories about efficient, accountable public leadership. Over the next several months, we’ll share anecdotes and perspectives from public servants, as well as podcasts, studies and papers that we think get to the heart of what good government looks like.”

Between now and Election Day, the Academy will continuously update its “Election 2024” page, with new and updated studies, one-sheets curated by the Academy’s Standing Panels and Working Groups, and testimonial videos and podcasts from career civil servants who have spent their lives working to bolster good government.

In addition, the Academy is co-sponsoring the “Pioneering Solutions: Student Grand Challenge Memo Competition” with the Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs (APSIA) and the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration (NASPAA), to get public policy students involved. Students at participating universities will prepare a policy memo recommending an action the next presidential administration should take to address a critical issue related to one of the 12 Grand Challenges in Public Administration.

Keep an eye on the Election 2024 page as we debut new content every week between now and November!

About the National Academy of Public Administration

Chartered by Congress to provide nonpartisan expert advice, the Academy is an independent, nonprofit, and nonpartisan organization established in 1967 to assist government leaders in building more effective, efficient, accountable, and transparent organizations. Learn more at

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