Courier Political Campaign Policy 2024 – Easton Courier

Election season is upon us. The Courier has publication guidelines for candidates, parties and supporters in advance of the Nov. 5 presidential and state election.

Fair play: We expect candidates and supporters to stick to issues and not indulge in personal attacks. We will reject any letter or statement we think is unfair, libelous or in poor taste. 

Letters to the editor: A person may write one letter per candidate. Candidates may not write letters regarding their own races. Please include a word count, your address and a daytime phone number (not for publication). Letters on general election issues must be 300 words or fewer, but may not be cloaked endorsements, that is, a writer cannot analyze an issue for 250 words and then say, “Joe Smith is the best person for handling this problem.” Letters touting a candidate or group of candidates must be 100 words or fewer. 

No letters about election issues will be accepted during the last week before the Nov. 5 election.

Candidate headshots: The Courier requests an updated high resolution (large size on a cell phone) headshot of each of the candidates.

Candidate Profiles and Statements: We will publish candidate profiles and statements prior to the election. Please submit a 300-word biography and 500-word statement discussing three top issues Easton is confronting and how you will help solve them. The Courier focuses on local elections but will post profiles and statements of candidates in state races if they submit them. Profiles are due Oct. 1. 

Commentaries: Each political party will be asked to submit one “commentary” column of up to 500 words, discussing the slate and the advantages. The deadline is Oct. 8.

Photos: Parties and candidates may electronically submit campaign-related photos, captions and articles. Photos should be in jpg or png format and should not be compressed or altered. Photos and articles will be used on a space-available basis.

Deadlines: The letters, political statements, and commentaries deadlines and the word limits for each, will be enforced. All articles should be submitted through the submission page at Photos may be submitted electronically with articles or emailed to [email protected].

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