MovieLabs release v2.5 of the Ontology for Media Creation

MovieLabs is pleased to announce the release of version 2.5 of the Ontology for Media Creation (OMC) with major extensions into CG Assets to support their use in VFX pipelines and preproduction and audio from capture through to mastering.

There are also various minor updates in this version of the ontology that are based on feedback from implementors – and we love the practical feedback on how the ontology is working for you, so keep it coming! If you’re implementing the Ontology for Media Creation let us know how it’s working for you at [email protected].

We built the OMC with extensibility in mind, so we’re able to make these major changes in both breadth (new areas of production workflows) and depth (adding new definitions and concepts) to add strength and extra functionality without breaking existing implementations. Much of this new work takes advantage of activities and standards from other industry groups, which we can easily integrate by adding connections to the OMC, and only inventing new things where there isn’t anything preexisting that is suitable. We expect this to be more and more the case as we add new breadth extensions.

All of these new extensions work automatically with existing OMC features and concepts including Contexts, Versions, and Relationships (see our recent blog post on Versions for more on how we approach them within OMC).

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